2020-03-22 15:00Blog post

State of the Internet in Sweden 2020-03-22 16:00

Netnod Logo on dark background

In this blog, we try to assess the health of the Swedish Internet during this crisis. We aim to mitigate the generation of fake news and rumours. This is the information we at Netnod currently know about.

The Internet continues to work well in Sweden.

We see more potential difficulties for ISPs and providers of related services if the situation in Sweden leads to more restricted movement. We have already seen data centre operators tightening their access rules with some only allowing access indirectly via a so called remote hands service where the staff of the data centre does the work.

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) is continuing their coordination in the sector and part of this coordination is to keep track of potential problems for ISPs in Sweden. This includes, but is not limited to, situations where transportation or movement for goods and personnel is more difficult than today, and where child care is needed for people in certain positions at ISPs (for example if schools are closed).

Sources among others:





If you have any more information available that you’d like to share, please contact me via email at paf+si@netnod.se.

Patrik Fältström
Technical Director and Head of Security

Topics: IX DNS

About Netnod

Netnod provides critical infrastructure support ranging from interconnection services and Internet Exchanges to DNS services, root server operations and activities for the good of the Internet. With a worldwide reputation for its services and the expertise of its staff, Netnod ensures a stable and secure Internet for the Nordics and beyond. Established in 1996 as a neutral and independent Internet infrastructure organisation, Netnod is fully owned by the non-profit foundation TU-stiftelsen (Stiftelsen för Telematikens utveckling). More information is available at: www.netnod.se


Patrik "paf" Fältström
Technical Director and Head of Security
Patrik "paf" Fältström