2020-11-25 13:02Blog post

How to move towards 100G without breaking the bank

The Internet industry continues to see exponential traffic growth with technologies enabling increased bandwidth and high performance continually dropping in price. With these drivers, we are seeing more and more networks preparing the move to 100G connections. In this blogpost, Kaj Kellgren, Senior Network Architect at Netnod, takes us through some of the key issues in this transition.


Over the last year, we have seen a 30% increase in the number of networks peering over 100G ports at our Netnod Internet Exchanges (IXes). This is not surprising given the continually increasing demands for capacity and scalability throughout the industry. While the majority of networks peer over single or redundant 10G connections, we are seeing a clear trend of companies across a range of sectors implementing, or preparing to implement, the transition to 100G. 

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Topics: IX

About Netnod

Netnod provides critical infrastructure support ranging from interconnection services and Internet Exchanges to DNS services, root server operations and activities for the good of the Internet. With a worldwide reputation for its services and the expertise of its staff, Netnod ensures a stable and secure Internet for the Nordics and beyond. Established in 1996 as a neutral and independent Internet infrastructure organisation, Netnod is fully owned by the non-profit foundation TU-stiftelsen (Stiftelsen för Telematikens utveckling). More information is available at: www.netnod.se

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