“This new site continues a series of new deployments and upgrades throughout the Americas,” said Miguel Alktun, Business Development, DNS. “These new sites bring improved DNS service to the region for the DNS root name server operated by Netnod as well as for DNS services to ccTLDs and to corporate domains.”
"We are pleased to continue the collaboration between Netnod and LACNIC," said Guillermo Cicileo, Head of Internet Infrastructure Research and Development, LACNIC. "In this case, we are supporting the emerging new IXP in Guatemala that will serve many operators in that country”.
The new site in Guatemala, which is already taking a noticeable traffic load over both IPv4 and IPv6, follows a series of deployments in the Americas over 2020 which includes new sites in:
Netnod’s DNSNODE service is used to provide I-root instances in more than 70 sites globally, and is also used by TLD and enterprise customers to ensure rock-solid DNS for their domains.
More information about Netnod’s DNSNODE service is available here.
More information about Netnod’s I-root service is available here.
For sales enquiries, please contact:
Miguel Alktun
Mobile: +46 76 126 98 66
E-mail: miguel@netnod.se
Netnod provides critical infrastructure support ranging from interconnection services and Internet Exchanges to time services, DNS services and root server operations. With a worldwide reputation for its services and the expertise of its staff, Netnod ensures a stable and secure Internet for the Nordics and beyond. Established in 1996 as a neutral and independent Internet infrastructure organisation, Netnod is fully owned by the non-profit foundation TU-stiftelsen (Stiftelsen för Telematikens utveckling). More information is available at: www.netnod.se